Why Is My Dog Afraid Of Flies? 10 Reasons And Amazing Solutions

You’re not alone if you’ve seen your dog cringing, whimpering, or even aggressively trying to get away from a seemingly harmless fly. When they saw this strange behavior, many dog owners asked themselves, “Why is my dog afraid of flies?” We shall go into great detail in this article.

Why Is My Dog Afraid of Flies?

That fear of flies in your dog might be very confusing. Discover the reason for this unusual behavior in dogs and how they respond to these small insects as we try to solve the enigma.

10 Reasons Why Dogs Are Afraid of Flies

1. Sensitive Hearing:

Your dog’s sensitive hearing allows them to detect even the smallest sounds, making them similar to superhero ears. This makes sounds like a buzzing fly much louder and more bothersome to them, but it also helps them hear things we cannot.

2. Natural Sense:

“Natural sense” refers to actions taken by your dog because they are in their nature. Dogs, for instance, may have an innate need to chase or catch small insects like flies, just like cats do with mice. Therefore, even if flies are small and harmless, your dog may be afraid of them because it is a natural instinct for them to behave that way.

3. Previous Stress:

Your dog may be afraid of something because of a negative past experience. For example, your dog could have a fear of flies if they have previously been bitten by a fly or bothered by one. It’s similar to when people fear dogs because they were in an unsettling situation with one when they were younger. Therefore, if your dog has a fear of flies, it might be a result of a negative fly experience in the past.

4. Anxiety:

feeling uneasy or anxious about certain matters. Like people, dogs can experience anxiety occasionally. Even in the absence of a clear cause, they may become fearful or excited when they are anxious. Therefore, if your dog is afraid of flies, it may be because they are nervous and the flying or buzzing of the flies agitates them.

It’s similar to how people’s hearts race and their palms sweat when they’re nervous about something, like giving a public speech or taking an exam. Similar anxiety can be experienced by dogs, which may cause them to become fearful of flies, among other things.

5. Unpredictable Flight Patterns:

Unlike airplanes, flies do not fly in a straight line. Rather, their movements are unstable and zigzag, making it difficult to know where they will go. Your dog may become scared or uneasy as a result of this erratic movement, which can startle or confuse them.

Your dog may find it troubling or frustrating when you try to catch a bouncing ball that goes in an unexpected direction. Therefore, the reason your dog may be afraid of flies could be that they fly in a strange way.

6. Association with Allergies:

It’s possible that your dog’s fear of flies stems from unpleasant fly encounters in the past. Certain flies have the ability to bite dogs, which can result in discomfort, redness, or discomfort. This can cause your dog to become allergic to flies and develop a negative association—something akin to thinking, “Every time a fly is around, I get itchy and uncomfortable.

“Because they are reminded of the discomfort they have previously felt, people get afraid or nervous when they see or hear flies. It’s similar to being afraid to eat something you once consumed that caused you to become ill because you recall how it made you feel. 

It’s the same story with your dog; they fear flies because they know they can irritate or cause allergies in them.

7. Irritating Bites:

Due to little pinch bites from flies, your dog may be afraid of them. Your dog’s skin may itch and feel uncomfortable as a result of these bites. Your dog experiences the same level of discomfort from fly bites as you do when a mosquito bites you.

They may, therefore, be terrified of flies because they wish to avoid the discomfort that these bites cause them. It’s similar to how humans attempt to keep mosquitoes away because we dislike being bitten by them.

8. Protective Instinct:

It’s possible that your dog’s fear of flies stems from their desire to defend their territory, you, or their owner from these tiny flying insects. It seems as though they are attempting to protect you and their area because they perceive flies as intruders or possible troublemakers. 

Because they believe it is their responsibility to defend you and their house from whatever they perceive as a threat, they may become angry and nervous when they see flies. It sounds similar to a guard dog alerting and defending its family by barking at a stranger.

9. Learned Behavior:

Maybe your dog has developed a fear of flies as a result of being near them. This may occur if they’ve witnessed other dogs or even humans responding strongly to flies. 

Dogs pick up skills from watching other people. Hence, they may begin to believe, “Hey, flies are something to be afraid of,” and then they may experience fear themselves if they witness someone else feeling scared or disturbed by flies. 

It’s similar to how children may pick up fear if they witness friends or family members exhibiting it. Therefore, your dog’s fear of flies may have been picked up from seeing other dogs exhibit the same behavior.

10. Genetic Predisposition:

It’s possible that your dog’s fear of flies stems from their DNA, which they took on from their parents. Some dogs may be more sensitive to or afraid of particular objects, like flies, due to their breed or family history. It’s similar to how some individuals get a family history of height or a particular hair color due to genetics. 

Similarly, certain dogs may inherit genes that increase their susceptibility to specific types of fear. Therefore, if your dog has a fear of flies, it might be due to a personality trait, which means that this is how they are wired to react.

How Do Dogs React When They Are Afraid Of Flies?

When dogs are afraid of flies, their reactions can vary, but they often display signs of fear and discomfort. Here are some common ways dogs may react when they are afraid of flies:


Dogs may try to avoid areas where flies are present. They might move away from the flies or seek shelter indoors to escape the perceived threat.

Trembling or shivering:

Fear can lead to physical manifestations, such as trembling or shivering. Dogs may shake or quiver when they are afraid of flies.


Some dogs may seek a hiding place, such as under furniture or in a secluded area, to get away from the flies. This behavior is an attempt to find safety and reduce exposure to the perceived threat.


Dogs may bark or whine when they are afraid of flies. These vocalizations are their way of expressing their discomfort and trying to alert their owners to the presence of the flies.


Dogs that are afraid of flies may become restless, pacing around, or unable to settle down. They may continuously scan the area for flies and be on edge.

Excessive licking or scratching:

Fear and anxiety can lead to behaviors like excessive licking or scratching. Dogs may groom themselves more than usual as a coping mechanism.

Dilated Pupils:

Fear can cause a dog’s pupils to dilate, making their eyes appear larger than usual.

Increased heart rate:

Dogs’ heart rates can increase when they are anxious or fearful. You may notice their hearts beating faster.


Panting is another common sign of anxiety in dogs. It’s a way for them to release stress and regulate their body temperature when they are agitated.

Seeking comfort from their owners:

Many dogs turn to their owners for reassurance when they are afraid. They may seek physical contact, such as cuddling or sitting close to their owners, in an attempt to feel safer.

It’s important to note that the fear of flies is not uncommon in dogs, but it’s generally not a serious issue. However, if your dog’s fear of flies or their reactions to them become excessive or interfere with their quality of life, it’s a good idea to consult with a veterinarian or a professional dog trainer to address and manage the fear.

Can flies harm your dog?

Flies do not usually cause serious harm to dogs, but they can be annoying. Flies may buzz around and land on your dog, causing irritation and discomfort. Flies can bite or lay their eggs in open wounds or sores in some cases, which can lead to skin infections if not treated.

The main issue with flies is not the flies themselves, but the potential side effects that can occur if your dog is constantly bothered by them. These include stress, anxiety, and potential skin issues if flies bite or irritate your dog’s skin.

Keep your dog’s living area clean, treat any open wounds or sores quickly, and use pet-safe insect repellents if flies are an ongoing issue in your area to protect your dog from fly-related issues. Consult your veterinarian if you notice any concerning symptoms or skin problems in your dog that could be caused by flies or other pests.

Kevin Anthony
Kevin Anthony

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